A heartfelt mission to enable personal empowerment and inspire social change

Because living with a constant undercurrent of stress and anxiety is personally damaging and has a huge cost for society as a whole…

Knowledge = Power to Grow + Transform the World

Whether you prefer face-to-face teaching, the convenience of a virtual classroom, or self-paced skill-building through offline resources and social media, we have a range of blended learning opportunities to suit your preferred style. Check out our informative range of resources below



Head over to our BLOG PAGE for articles and insights into the evidence-based benefits of a mindful approach to health and well-being. Staying informed is one of the most effective ways to better understand life’s challenges and create a meaningful toolkit for change.


With the UK’s health and social care system already under strain, pandemic-related pressures have only added to treatment or support waiting lists. Taking a more proactive part in our own well-being is one way to keep ill health at bay. Our PODCAST SERIES will help you take charge.


We are incredibly passionate about ensuring that you can manage the challenges of everyday life in a sustainable way. Sign up below for our monthly NEWSLETTER and keep up to date with the latest inspirational offerings, guides, events, and opportunities to join our thriving community.